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gamer什么意思 gamer音标、翻译、用法

所属分类:英语翻译 发布时间:2024-05-02 11:45:33


英 [ˈgeɪmə(r)]







n.(名词)[C]游戏,运动,比赛a form of play or sport, or one example or type of this; match[C]行业,行当a profession or activity, especially one in which people compete against each other[U]猎物wild animals, birds and fish which are hunted or fished for food, especially as a sportadj.(形容词)勇敢的,有决心的,敢作敢为的brave, determined, and ready for action[P]愿意的,心甘情愿的willing残疾的; 瘸的lame; crippled



A gamer is one who plays games, especially role-playing or video games.




用作名词 (n.)动词+~attend a game参加比赛bring in game打野味call a game宣布暂停比赛continue a game继续比赛draw the game打成平局enjoy a game欣赏比赛enter for the games报名参加比赛finish a game结束比赛give the game away露马脚,泄露秘密have a game进行比赛,有比赛have the game in one's hand稳操胜券invent a game发明游戏join in a game参加比赛judge a game为比赛裁判lose a game输掉一场比赛,比赛失败make game of sb取笑某人,捉弄某人play games闹着玩,不认真对待play a game做游戏play a deep game背地里捣鬼play a double game耍两面派play a good game技术娴熟play a poor game技术不佳play a waiting game伺机下手,伺机行动play sb's game帮某人的大忙play the game讲信义,遵守比赛规则,行动光明正大see through sb's game识破某人的诡计shoot game射猎物speak in games说着玩,开玩笑start the game惊动猎物throw a game故意输球throw up the game放弃计划wait game伺机而动watch a game观看比赛win a game赢得比赛,比赛获胜形容词+~admirable game精彩的比赛bad game不好的比赛big game大的猎物close game接近的比分dangerous game危险的游戏difficult game复杂的游戏dull game乏味的比赛easy game简单的游戏educational game有教育意义的比赛even game势均力敌的比赛excellent game精彩的比赛exciting game激动人心的比赛fair game准予捕猎的鸟兽,公平的比赛good game精彩的比赛hide-and-seek game捉迷藏interesting game有趣的游戏international game国际比赛losing game不可能取胜的比赛one-sided game一边倒的比赛open game胜负未定的比赛open-air game户外游戏outdoor game户外运动会,室外游戏popular game普及的运动项目small game小猎物sold game事先串通好的比赛the Asian Games亚洲运动会the National Games全国运动会the Olympic Games奥林匹克运动会名词+~ball game球类活动board game棋盘游戏bowl game(优秀球队举行的)美式足球赛季后比赛children's game儿童游戏exhibition game表演赛field game野外比赛football game足球比赛home game主场比赛love game输方未获一分的比赛match game网球赛中决定全场胜负的一盘numbers game数字游戏practice game练习赛summer games夏季运动会the World University Games世界大学生运动会war games军事演习wild-card game加场赛winter games冬季运动会word game文字游戏介词+~at a game在游戏中at a high game胸怀大志for the games参加运动会off the game竞技状态不佳on one's game竞技状态佳~+介词game for money赌钱game of chance靠碰运气取胜的游戏game of skill靠技巧取胜的游戏用作形容词 (adj.)~+名词game fighter勇敢的战士game leg瘸腿~+介词game for愿意做某事


用作名词(n.)All the children partook in the game.

所有孩子都参加了游戏。I found a computer game to divert the children.

我发现了一种供孩子娱乐的电脑游戏。He is my main rival in the game.

他是我运动会上的主要对手。He is expected to win the game with ease.

预计他在比赛中会轻易获胜。Would you care to have a small wager on the game?

你愿意在这场比赛上下个小赌注吗?In every game they were bested by their opponents.

每一场比赛他们都被对方击败。The game is 7 to 6.

比分是7比6。The natives use poisoned arrows to kill big game.

土著用毒箭射杀大猎物。The politician was playing a deep game.

那名政客在耍诡计花招。After two hours his game was about played out.

两小时以后,他所有的花招差不多要使完了。用作动词(v.)It's a pity he games so deep.

他如此沉溺于赌博,真遗憾。用作形容词(adj.)She put up a game fight against her detractors.

她勇敢对抗那些诽谤她的人。He was a game fighter even when he was losing.

即使当他失败的时候, 他也是一位勇敢的战士。Are you game for a swim?

你愿意去游泳吗He is game in the leg/has a game leg.



Got Game : How the Gamer Generation is Reshaping Business Forever / J.C. Beck, M. Wade

Customization, immersion satisfaction, and online gamer loyalty

Get ready for the gamer generation

GAMER: A Graphic Processing Unit Accelerated Adaptive-Mesh-Refinement Code for Astrophysics

Confronting Toxic Gamer Culture: A Challenge for Feminist Game Studies Scholars

Magnetohydrodynamics with GAMER

World Of Warcraft Gamer Deals With DDoS Attacks, Police Raid

Does anorexia nervosa occur on a continuum? Subgroups of weight‐preoccupied women and their relationship to anorexia nervosa

Testing for Phylogenetic Conflict Among Molecular Data Sets in the Tribe Triticeae (Gramineae)

Phylogeny and Subfamilial Classification of the Grasses (Poaceae)


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