"Mouth"这个词在英语中通常指的是嘴巴,即人体或某些动物用来吃饭、说话和呼吸的器官。例如:"He opened his mouth wide."(他张大了嘴巴。)。
"Mouth"还可以指代某个物体的开口部分,比如河流的入海口或者瓶子的瓶口。例如:"The mouth of the river is wide and deep."(河口的宽度很大,深度也很深。)。
在某些情况下,"mouth"用来描述某个过程或线路的开始,比如街道的入口处。例如:"The mouth of the street is crowded with people."(街道的入口处人潮拥挤。)。
"Mouth"有时也用来比喻性地描述某个物体的形状或特征,类似于嘴巴的样子。例如:"The bowl has a wide mouth and a narrow base."(这只碗口宽底窄。)。
Mouthpiece:吹嘴,乐器上的吹奏部分;代言人,发言者。例如:"The clarinet has a long mouthpiece."(单簧管有一个长长的吹嘴。)。
Mouth-watering:令人垂涎的,形容食物等诱人的事物。例如:"The mouth-watering aroma of roasted chicken filled the air."(烤鸡诱人的香气弥漫在空气中。)。
Mouth to mouth:口对口,表示亲密接触或相互模仿。例如:"They were seen kissing mouth to mouth in public."(他们在公共场合亲吻,亲密无间。)。
Mouth off:说话无礼或抱怨。例如:"He always mouths off about his coworkers behind their backs."(他总是在背后抱怨同事。)。
Mouthful:满口的食物或饮料。例如:"She took a big mouthful of ice cream and closed her eyes in pleasure."(她舀了一大口冰淇淋,闭上眼睛享受美味。)。
Mouthwash:漱口液,用于清洁口腔。例如:"She rinsed her mouth with mouthwash after brushing her teeth."(刷牙后,她用漱口液漱口。)。
Mouth organ:口琴,一种乐器。例如:"He played a beautiful melody on his mouth organ."(他用口琴演奏了一首美妙的旋律。)。