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gametes什么意思 gametes音标、翻译、用法

所属分类:英语翻译 发布时间:2024-04-19 09:29:44


英 [ɡæ'mɪtɪz]

美 [ɡæ'mɪtɪz]



接合体,配偶子( gamete的名词复数 );



n.a mature sexual reproductive cell having a single set of unpaired chromosomes



Gonads are aggregations of developing gametes.

生殖聚集形成配子。It usually occurs between gametes or protoplasm.



The role of glutathione in mammalian gametes.

Smoking and reproduction: gene damage to human gametes and embryos

Derivation of embryonic germ cells and male gametes from embryonic stem cells

Gametes with the somatic chromosome number: mechanisms of their formation and role in the evolution of autopolyploid plants.

Genetic and teratogenic effects of cancer treatments on gametes and embryos

Understanding transgenerational epigenetic inheritance via the gametes in mammals

In Vitro Fertilization with Isolated, Single Gametes Results in Zygotic Embryogenesis and Fertile Maize Plants

In vitro-differentiated embryonic stem cells give rise to male gametes that can generate offspring mice

Tansley Review No. 78. Gametes with the Stomatic Chromosome Number: Mechanisms of Their Formation and Role in the Evolution of Autop...

Bionomics, Cryopreservation of Gametes and Captive Breeding Behaviour of Threatened Hill Stream Cyprinid, Garra surendranathanii (Sh...


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