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convince of什么意思 convince of音标、翻译、用法

所属分类:英语翻译 发布时间:2024-07-27 14:36:16

convince of音标

英 [kənˈvins ɔv]

美 [kənˈvɪns ʌv]

convince of翻译


使(某人)认识到, 相信…;

convince of用法


用作及物动词(vt.)The story convinced everyone of his innocence.

这一番话使大家确信他是无辜的。You will get the position, I am sure of it.

我确信你会得到这个职位的。He assured me of his readiness to help.

他说服我使我相信他愿意帮忙。I frankly do not see the kind of answers that would really convince me that that is the case.



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Research and Development, Innovation and Marketing: How to Convince Internal and External Stakeholders of Technological Innovations

Why Has Tony Blair Failed to Convince the Public of the Benefits of Europe?

Chapter 4 – Epistemic States of Convincement. A Conceptualization from the Practice of Mathematicians and Neurobiology

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