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streek什么意思 streek音标、翻译、用法

所属分类:英语翻译 发布时间:2024-07-27 15:49:22


英 [st'ri:k]

美 [st'rik]



伸展(四肢),伸出(手、臂); 殓(尸);



Bildung benzoanellierter Schwefelheterocyclen durch intramolekulare kathodische Cyclisierung von Dithiocarbons盲ureestern

Mercury CSD 2.0 – new features for the visualization and investigation of crystal structures

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Description of Simazine Transport with Rate-Limited, Two-Stage, Linear and Nonlinear Sorption

Mechanisms of DNA separation in entropic trap arrays: a Brownian dynamics simulation.

Principles of laser micro sintering

The effect of a forearm/hand splint compared with an elbow band as a treatment for lateral epicondylitis

Size-dependent free solution DNA electrophoresis in structured microfluidic systems

Gesture as communication 2 : The audience as co-author


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