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earsplitting什么意思 earsplitting音标、翻译、用法

所属分类:英语翻译 发布时间:2024-04-30 00:07:48


英 ['ɪəˌsplɪtɪŋ]

美 ['ɪrˌsplɪtɪŋ]





earsplitting[ 'iə,splitiŋ ]

adj.loud enough to cause (temporary) hearing loss




用作形容词(adj.)In this earsplitting din of pop-music, patrons drank more in less time.

在这震耳欲聋的流行乐中,顾客的饮酒速度加快,饮酒量也增加。With an earsplitting burst of superheated steam, the contraption lifts Ross gently into the air and, for a few noisy seconds, he is flying.



Depressed but Aspired, an Earsplitting and Magnificent Song: An Illustration of Fan Dangshi's Poem Passing by Mountain Tai

Earsplitting Bang and the Frantic Gasping for Breath

The after-effects of 'earsplitting' blasts

After More Than an Hour of Often-Earsplitting Christian Rock And. [Derived Headline]

Concert is pure Lloyd Webber - earsplitting and dull

Aboard a B-25 Bomber, the History Is Earsplitting


Policegiri over the top ear-splitting fun

Disgusting and Dreadful Science: Ear-splitting Sounds and Other Vile Noises

Power Chord: One Mans Ear-Splitting Quest to Find His Guitar Heroes


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