位置:首页英语翻译>film noir什么意思 film noir音标、翻译、用法

film noir什么意思 film noir音标、翻译、用法

所属分类:英语翻译 发布时间:2024-04-29 20:45:18

film noir音标

英 [ˌfɪlm ˈnwɑ:(r)]

film noir翻译




复数:films noir


Film Noir



film noir用法


Film Noir

Film noir

'Film Noir'

Road House (1948 Film)

Dames in the Driver's Seat - University of Texas Press

Comentarios: Hong Kong Film Noir (2007)

Klasyczny film noir, kino modernistyczne, modernité – czyli tam i z powrotem

More than night: film noir in its contexts.

In a Lonely Street: Film Noir, Genre, Masculinity

In a Lonely Street: Genre, Film Noir, Masculinity

American Film Noir: The History of an Idea

Blackout: World War II and the Origins of Film Noir

The Philosophy of Film Noir


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