

所属分类:英语翻译 发布时间:2024-04-29 11:32:43


n. (Zacher)人名;(德)察赫尔




Herman Zacher标签

Zacher Bertalan姓名

Simon Zacher网站站长

Vitali Zacher姓名

Gerd Zacher表演者

Tetranychus vienensis Zacher红蜘蛛

Tetranychus viennensis Zacher 叶螨 ; 红蜘蛛 ; 山楂叶螨

Tetranychus viennenis Zacher山楂叶螨

G M Zacher标签



DifferentsublethalconcentrationsledtodifferentreproductionofTetranychus viennensisZacher.



They hadstrongpursuingandcontroleffecttoAphis citricola Van der GootandTetranychusviennensisZacherfromtimedimension.



Thetemporal,spatialandtwo-dimensionalnichebreadthandoverlapof TetranychusviennensisZacher,Erythroneura sudra Distantand theirmajornatural enemieswere studiedin Shandong.




vorrats-, speicher- und materialschädlinge und ihre bekämpfung

2. The abiotic environment of polar marine benthic algae : Biology of Polar Benthic Algae

Thin films of metal-organic frameworks

Step-by-step route for the synthesis of metal-organic frameworks.

Mice with genetically altered glucocorticoid receptor expression show altered sensitivity for stress-induced depressive reactions.

ChemInform Abstract: Thin Films of Metal—Organic Frameworks

Controlling interpenetration in metal-organic frameworks by liquid-phase epitaxy.

Surface chemistry of metal-organic frameworks at the liquid-solid interface.

Intra-articular sodium hyaluronate in osteoarthritis of the knee: a multicenter, double-blind study

Colour Doppler ultrasonography to detect pannus in knee joint synovitis.


  • zachary什么意思 zachary音标、翻译、用法

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    zachary音标[ˈzækəri]zachary翻译中文拼写:扎卡里名字含义:被上帝铭记的人名字来源:希伯来语名字类别:男Zachary Taylor 扎卡里•泰勒:(1784~1850),美国政治家,曾任美国总统(1849~1850)。英英释义ZacharyZachary is a male given name.以上来源于:Wikipediazachary用法权威例句THE SEVENTH

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