位置:首页英语翻译>apophyllite什么意思 apophyllite音标、翻译、用法

apophyllite什么意思 apophyllite音标、翻译、用法

所属分类:英语翻译 发布时间:2024-07-27 22:11:02


英 [ə'pɒfɪlaɪt]

美 [ə'pɒfɪlaɪt]






The name apophyllite refers to a specific group of phyllosilicates, a class of minerals. Originally, the group name referred to a specific mineral, but was redefined in 1978 to stand for a class of minerals of similar chemical makeup that comprise a solid solution series, and includes the members apophyllite-(KF), apophyllite-(KOH), and apophyllite-(NaF).




Apophyllite holds the vibration of action in the language of light.






The Structure of Apophyllite

Apophyllite (001) surface alteration in aqueous solutions studied by HAFM

EPR of vanadyl ion in a natural mineral, apophyllite

Hydroxyapophyllite, a new mineral, and a redefinition of the apophyllite group; II, Crystal structure

Single-crystal Raman spectroscopic study of apophyllite, a layer silicate

Hydroxyapophyllite, a new mineral, and a redefinition of the apophyllite group I. Description, occurrences, and nomenclature

An in situ high-pressure X-ray diffraction experiment on hydroxyapophyllite

Apophyllite 40 Ar/ 39 Ar and Rb-Sr geochronology: Potential utility and application to the timing of secondary mineralization of the...

Synthesis, characterization, and mechanical properties evaluation of thermally stable apophyllite vinyl ester nanocomposites

A neutron diffraction and thermogravimetric study of the hydrogen bonding and dehydration behaviour in fluorapophyllite, KCa 4 (Si 8...


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