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candlepin什么意思 candlepin音标、翻译、用法

所属分类:英语翻译 发布时间:2024-04-25 14:34:27


英 ['kændlpɪn]

美 ['kændəlˌpɪn]





candlepin[ 'kændlpin ]

n.a bowling pin that is thin by comparison with a tenpin




Plastic candlepin construction

Candlepin elevator, distributor and control system

Spares & strikes: candlepin bowling in New Brunswick /

After 68 years, last candlepin may fall; Bowlers fear loss of lanes if Sacco's sold to become community center

Back in the Fast Lane ; for Candlepin Bowling Diehards, Rolling with Young Fans Is Key to the Sport's Survival

Brewer's Drake on a good roll Witches basketball standout now excels as candlepin bowler

Установка и настройка Katello, Pulp и Candlepin. Знакомимся с новым поколением Red Hat...

Установка и настройка Katello, Pulp и Candlepin. Знакомимся с новым поколением Red Hat...

Third alley may be the charm ; Despite competition and a decline in the sport, Tod Lyter is opening candlepin lanes offering a diffe...


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