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homocentric什么意思 homocentric音标、翻译、用法

所属分类:英语翻译 发布时间:2024-05-02 14:23:08


英 [ˌhəʊməʊ'sentrɪk]

美 [ˌhoʊmoʊ'sentrɪk]





homocentric[ ,hɔməu'sentrik, həu- ]

adj.having a common center




The optics of nonhomocentric light beams

Conversion of nonhomocentric waves by means of two reflections

Homocentric-square-shaped ultrasonic flowmeter without straight pipe segment installation requirements

Obtaining holographic diffraction gratings in nonhomocentric beams

Carrying tool for precisely positioning small homocentric-squares-shaped part

Spectrograph with a holographic diffraction grating recorded in nonhomocentric beams

LXXVII. Notes on non-homocentric pencils, and the shadows produced by them.—I. An elementary treatment of the standard astigmat...

Large angle acceptance of quasi-phase-matched second harmonic generation in a homocentrically poled LiNbO 3

LXXVIII. Notes on non-homocentric pencils, and the shadows produced by them.—II. Shadows produced by axially symmetrical pencil...

The Theory Starting Point of Philosophy Research——The Argumentation Between the Homocentric Theony and Non-homocentric Theory


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